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October 2023

Showing 24 of 1758 Items
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That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


10.2023 / By Urban Institute

This brief examines a conceptual map of structural racism in healthcare.


This blog examines SHADAC's 2022 ACS table in comparison to 2021. 


This blog highlights a new Commonwealth Fund brief, which documents the policies and practices State Based Marketplaces have implemented to facilitate access to health insurance information for Limited English Proficiency individuals and otherwise meet their needs. 


This blog summarizes key takeaways regarding the inclusion of maternal and child health in infectious disease emergency preparedness and response in states and territories.

Resource Page

This resource center offers tools for providers, community partners, family and patient leaders, policymakers, and others seeking to transform child healthcare through identified key strategies, including: adopting anti-racists policies to advance equity; co-creating equitable partnerships between patients, families, and providers; and identifying family strengths and addressing health-related social needs. 


That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


This blog summarizes a number of new and ongoing policy changes that will impact the Marketplace as the annual open enrollment period for Affordable Care Act Marketplace coverage kicks off November 1 in most states.


This blog offers guidance to help healthcare organizations develop appropriate compensation practices for community members.


This blog reviews and shares resources from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials' healthy aging portfolio, along with a roadmap state officials can utilize to promote brain health.


That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


10.2023 / By AcademyHealth

This blog builds on the webinar by outlining key recommendations to maintain diversity and foster inclusion in college admissions and the workforce.


10.2023 / By Urban Institute

This brief examines rates at which adults with and without disabilities reported they were treated unfairly in clinical and work settings, and its impact on their wellbeing.


This blog examines variations in states' reporting of indicators and data highlights.


This blog shares new CMS data on Marketplace enrollment and transitions, and separate CHIP enrollment.


This blog uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey to track trends in adult health insurance coverage rates amid the unwinding.


That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


This blog examines actions states are taking to fill in the gaps when it comes to protecting residents from medical debt.


This blog reviews how Medicaid programs in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island have engaged with commercial payers, providers, patients, advocates and other parties to create and adhere to multi-payer aligned measure sets. 


This blog discusses federal and state legislative efforts and recommendations for improving infant mental health.


That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


This blog provides a high-level overview of key provisions included in the final rule that will facilitate enrollment and retention of Medicare Savings Program coverage.


This blog examines the current slate of proposals to reform abusive billing practices in the commercial market.


This blog discusses how the STRETCH convenings left state teams with tools to help them advance their health equity work.


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