This blog examines state preventive services requirements and offers strategies states may want to pursue to close gaps in access to care.
This blog highlights strategies health department leaders can explore to reduce staff stress and burn out.
This brief discusses how the health impact assessment and the Health in All Policies are making advancements to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
This blog examines how ERISA works and the obligations it puts on employer health plans.
This blog outlines a number of strategies available to state and territorial health departments to expand their public health approaches to firearm-related violence depending on their stage of readiness to address this issue.
This blog shares lessons learned of Camden Coalition’s Community Ambassadors program, which has played a key role in educating Camden and South Jersey residents about various public health concerns.
This commentary shares how South Dakota's decision to expand Medicaid eligibility will support Sarah, who had to leave her full-time job to care for her son, and her family in accessing needed care.
This blog assesses proposed policy options designed to improve the affordability of ESI, the state of the evidence supporting or refuting the proposed policy change, and opportunities for adoptions.
This fact sheet outlines the need for child health care transformation and offers strategies to incorporate an anti-racist and family-centered focus.
This webinar recording explores innovations in recruitment, training, and retention that can lead to a more representative and supported pediatric workforce.
In this podcast Dr. Umair Shah and her colleague discuss how the American Rescue Plan has helped jurisdictions respond to pandemic-related needs.
This blog outlines CDC's strategies for preventing ACEs and how states have played a critical role in enacting policies to support them.
This blog examines how the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 will strengthen the CHW workforce and improve patient care.
This blog discusses that, though the law intended to cover ALL FFY and the provision seems straightforward, the way the law was constructed has many barriers and administrative burdens.
This blog highlights the recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, legislation which includes a permanent increase of the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) to 83% for U.S. territories.
This blog highlights state strategies to maximize continuity of coverage for consumers coming off Medicaid and needing to transition to the marketplace.
On January 4, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new State Medicaid Director Letter on how states can use “in lieu of” services (ILOS) authority, including to address social drivers of health. This blog reviews the letter and discusses why it is significant for state health policymakers.
This commentary discusses how Medicaid supported Ashley in taking control of her health and getting the help she needed after she unexpectedly lost her private health coverage. That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.
This blog shares how CMS guides researchers and other consumers in their use of T-MSIS data through production of data quality assessments of the race and ethnicity data along with other data such as enrollment, claims, expenditures, and service use.
This commentary shares the story of Barbara, who turned to Medicaid when her son needed access to mental healthcare after being diagnosed with bipolar and oppositional defiant disorder.
On December 12, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released its proposed Notice of Benefit & Payment Parameters for plan year 2024. This blog assess provisions of the proposed rule that are of interest to state-based marketplaces regulators.
This Q&A style blog discusses ex parte redeterminations in which Medicaid officials attempt to make a redetermination of an individual’s eligibility based on available data, without requiring additional information from the individual.
This blog discusses how persistently low and disparate rates of flu vaccination, and the added burden of increases in other respiratory viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), are all contributing to what may be a tumultuous next few months for the public the nation's health systems.