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August 2022

Showing 29 of 1789 Items
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This commentary tells the story of John, who turned to Medicaid for health coverage to treat a strangulated hernia.


This blog discusses the healthcare implications of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, namely its' impact on Medicare.


The blog analyzes Medicaid community-based palliative care benefits that several states are developing to advance palliative care.


This blog highlights the different approaches states are taking to expand affordable access to diabetes management and reduce disparities in care for diabetic patients.


This blog discusses dissemination strategies that can inform preparedness efforts for future infectious disease threats.


This blog discusses the policies federal, state, and territorial governments are adopting to improve lactation accommodations in school and workplace settings.


That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


This blog discusses how policy decisions can help chart a course to a proven method for reducing opioid mortality rates, and why lowering insurance-related barriers to MAT is key to ensuring access to this lifesaving care. 


This report discusses how public health officials can mitigate the impact of disease outbreaks on pregnant people, neonates, and infants through a variety of policies, including policies related to preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a public health emergency.


This blog discusses how states can improve youth mental illness and reduce suicide through access to mental health treatments. 


This commentary explores how Medicaid saved Laticia's life who battled with gastrointestinal problems and mental health issues. Medicaid provided healthcare visits, medication and therapy for her anxiety and depression. 

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This toolkit is designed to help states develop a procurement process focused on improving program performance in specific areas valued by the state.


When the PHE ends, state Medicaid agencies will redetermine eligibility for as many as 80 million enrollees. This blog analyzes how states can coordinate and sequence communications with clear messaging to inform enrollees about what is happening. 


This blog explores quarterly estimates of health insurance coverage beginning in January 2021 through March 2022.


This blog evaluates performance indicators that provide a window into how efficiently state Medicaid programs process their Medicaid Modified Adjusted Gross Income and CHIP applications.


This blog identifies strategies for state-based Marketplaces, in partnership with Medicaid agencies, departments of insurance, consumer assisters, and participating insurers, to help maintain continuity of care.


This brief highlights key lessons to inform data-sharing partnerships between community-based organizations, state agencies, and individuals with lived expertise and outlines data-sharing.

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Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Raising the Bar provides an actionable framework for the entire healthcare sector to embed equity throughout its work and help achieve optimal health for all.


This commentary tells the story of Danielle, whose small business struggled in the opening months of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to trying to keep her business afloat, Danielle also had to care for her son and home school him. Medicaid provided Daneille with the mental health support needed to keep moving forward during an incredibly challenging period. 

That’s Medicaid shares stories of people covered by Medicaid at critical points in their lives, underscoring the importance of stable health insurance coverage to building a nationwide Culture of Health.


This blog explores how states can coordinate and prepare communications related to the end of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement with clear messaging to inform enrollees, help to reduce churn, and maximize coverage renewal, retention, and transition.


This report provides excerpts of health disparities and health equity language from Medicaid managed care (MMC) contracts and requests for proposals (RFPs) from 17 states and the District of Columbia. The criteria for inclusion in this compendium are contracts and RFPs that explicitly address health disparities and/or health equity.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires most insurers and employers to cover a set of preventive health services at no cost to enrollees. This blog analyzes a case pending in federal court that threatens to cut off consumers’ access to these services by allowing insurers to impose cost-sharing or, in some cases, cease covering them altogether.


Amid rising healthcare costs, this blog explores how a public coverage option in the individual and small group Marketplace could help reduce costs and expand access to coverage for people with job-based insurance.


This blog examines insurers use of utilization management tactics, including prior authorization and claims review.


This commentary tells the story of the CSA Partnerships for Health, which Federally Qualified Health Centers in the Portland, Oregon area to provide Medicaid and low-income patients access to produce from local farms. 


This blog examines how employers’ decisions on whether and how to cover travel costs related to abortion care will have a significant impact on whether workers are able to access abortion services far from home.


This blog reviews ways states can support the identification and implementation of tech-enabled innovations to Medicaid systems.


This brief highlights key successes and lessons learned from Oklahoma's implementation of new harm reduction policies. 


This blog analyzes the array of legislation states have considered related to Long COVID and using pandemic relief funding to enhance the Americans with Disabilities Act.


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