
• No Surprises Act Final Rule
• ASPE Projects Coverage Losses Post-PHE
• Lessons From the California Health Care Quality and Affordability Act
• States Take Charge of Healthcare Costs
• Unwinding the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Provision: Projected Enrollment Effects
• State updates: AL, CA, CO, CT, IN, MI, NV & WI

Weekly updates

•PHE Likely to be Extended
•Advancing Health Equity Learning Collaborative
•A Community-Centered Approach to Data Sharing and Policy Change: Lessons for Advancing Health Equity
•Optional Medicaid Health Home Benefit
•State updates: AZ, CA, CO, GU, HI, IL, MA, MD, MN & OH


In This Week’s Update:

Inflation Reduction Act
Toolkit: Medicaid Managed Care Procurements
Section 1902(e)(14) Waiver Approvals
New Public Health Modernization Project
Developments in Section 1115 Budget Neutrality Policy
State Updates: CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, MS, NJ, NM & OR

Weekly updates

In This Week’s Update:

National Uninsured Rate Reaches All-time Low
Analysis of State Medicaid Enrollment Forms
Meeting Social Needs in Tennessee Medicaid
Colorado Option Advances Equitable Access to Healthcare
Strengthening Communications to Medicaid Enrollees
State Updates: AZ, GA, IL, ME, MI, MN, MO, NJ, NY, OR & UT

Weekly updates

In This Week’s Update:

57th anniversary of Medicaid
Section 1557 proposed rule
Medicaid Managed Care Contracts
CMS Releases Maternity Care Action Plan
Latest Legal Challenges to the ACA
Technology to Improve Quality within MMC
State Updates: AZ, CA, CT, DE, GA, IN, KS, LA, MA, MS, NY & WI