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January 2021

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01.2021 / By Urban Institute

This brief present that if the remaining 14 states had expanded eligibility in 2020, 4.4 million fewer people would have been uninsured that year.


This brief provides a high-level summary of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidance related to: (1) conducting redeterminations for Medicaid enrollees who were continuously enrolled; (2) terminating, or extending where appropriate, temporary flexibilities; and (3) developing a consumer and provider communication strategy.


This commentary examines the extent to which all 50 states are reporting vaccine administration data breakdowns by age, gender, race, ethnicity, provider type, and level of geography.


This report describes a model estimating program spending and out-of-pocket spending by Medicare Advantage enrollees at the county level using plan-level and county-level data sources from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.


This report identifies six connected strategies to guide payers, including Medicaid agencies and managed care organizations, in developing equity-focused value-based payment approaches to mitigate health disparities at the state and local levels.


This commentary tells the story of Nicole. Nicole has autism, anxiety, and a number of other health challenges, which Medicaid helps her manage so she can work.


This report provides nationally representative estimates of telehealth use among nonelderly adults six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, as of September 2020.


This commentary tells the story of Maria and her son Tyler. Tyler was diagnosed with Sotos syndrome shortly after his birth, a condition that can result in overgrowth and delayed development.


This report describes how the COVID-19 pandemic financially affected five safety net hospitals as of summer 2020, including the costs of preparing for and operating during the pandemic, the pandemic’s impact on their revenues, the federal financial relief they have received, and implications for policy and practice.


This commentary discusses the experiences of two physicians treating people with opioid use disorder (OUD) during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This chart shows how each state is prioritizing populations in its vaccination distribution plans.


01.2021 / By Urban Institute

This brief uses new data from the second wave of the Urban Institute’s Coronavirus Tracking Survey, conducted September 11 through 28, 2020, to explore the pandemic’s impact on housing stability and renters’ vulnerability to eviction.


This report explores flu vaccination rates across multiple years for U.S. adults across the 50 states and the District of Columbia as a proxy to identify population subgroups that may be harder to reach with a COVID-19 vaccine.


01.2021 / By That's Medicaid

This commentary tells the story of Jessica, a mother who contracted cytomegalovirus which resulted in her daughter Natalie being born with a disability. 

Webinar & Presentations

This webinar features experts reviewing the provisions of the No Surprises Act and implications for states, providing an overview of the next steps for implementing the federal balance billing protections and what the law will mean for state-level protections.


This report describes the methodology of the Health Insurance Policy Simulation model and presents the model’s 2020 current-law baseline, which reflects health care and coverage after 2020 Open Enrollment and before the COVID-19 pandemic.


This commentary analyzes the indirect costs of rising health care spending and uninsurance in the year prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and examines trends as well as comparisons across race/ethnicity and educational attainment.

Journal Article

01.2021 / By Health Affairs

This blog post examines early evidence regarding health care spending, utilization, employment, and prices for 2020, and looks at how COVID-19 might affect these indicators going forward.


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