This dataset examines projected changes in federal and state Medicaid and CHIP expenditures for scenarios during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This dataset shows that national health security capabilities continue to gain strength, but at a rate that has slowed down over time.
This commentary examines the importance of home visiting during the COVID-19 pandemic, as families face new or expanding challenges like domestic violence, substance use, or mental health needs.
This commentary assesses how insurers are developing their 2021 premium rates by reviewing preliminary actuarial findings in the District of Columbia, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.
This commentary discusses how some states are bolstering their community health workforces to curb COVID-19 and improve the quality of care delivered to communities that have faced decades of discrimination.
This commentary examines how states are developing COVID-19 testing programs without clear federal guidance.
This commentary provides an overview of new federal guidance that attempts to answer questions about requirements for coverage of COVID-19 testing services.
This commentary features insights from state health agencies and health insurance marketplaces that have actively identified opportunities to conduct outreach in communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
This report provides excerpts of health disparities and health equity contract language from Medicaid Managed Care contracts from five states, Washington, D.C., and the contract for California’s Health Exchange, Covered California.
This commentary provides interactive maps that explore the status of the 50 states' and District of Columbia’s reporting of COVID-19 case and death data breakdowns by demographic categories.
This commentary, part of the Innovations Amid COVID-19 series, profiles a clinic's innovative approach to using online data to identify high-risk patients.
This commentary discusses how job losses and reductions in hours have resulted in millions losing employer coverage or the income needed to pay premiums, increasing the uninsured rate.
This commentary provides a summary of state efforts to capture information on the coronavirus pandemic through state and local surveys fielded between March 2020 and May 2020.
This toolkit is intended to serve as a resource for states as they begin to strategize about reopening and plan for the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This brief provides a chart describing the effective dates of various federal provisions to allow for temporary flexibilities in the Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program programs.
This brief provides an overview of New Hampshire’s recent directed payment to six types of essential Medicaid providers in order to help them keep their doors open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stakeholders in six states assess the impact of Medicaid insurers increasing dominance in the ACA marketplaces.
This commentary outlines three key policy steps to help health centers survive in the short term and thrive beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
In this webinar, experts reviewed the current telehealth policy landscape and considerations for states as they design their post-apex telehealth policies.
This commentary outlines how continuity between Medicaid and the marketplace is more important than ever.
This chart describes each governor’s stay-at-home order, penalties for noncompliance, and dates when governors plan to reopen their economies and resume non-essential procedures.
This commentary compiles thoughts from navigators across five states using the federally-facilitated marketplace about how they are faring during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Destination: Home leadership discuss their county’s initial response to COVID-19 and their organization’s role in providing care and services for homeless individuals during the pandemic.
This commentary shows how every state and Washington, D.C. are innovating and expanding contact tracing to contain COVID-19 infections and reopen their economies.
This report examines the implications if the outstanding 15 states chose to expand Medicaid eligibility in 2020.
This commentary examines the relief funds in the CARES and PPP Acts intended to help providers prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19.
This guide compiles more than 100 resources tracking state and local data and policy responses to COVID-19 in health care, food, housing, and income supports.
This webinar presented results from a financial model examining the Medicaid fiscal implications of the interaction between the COVID-19 pandemic, the emerging economic downturn, and recent policy changes.
This commentary outlines challenges facing family caregivers in the COVID-19 environment and new opportunities for states to come to their aid.
This commentary explains how, due to the loss of employer-sponsored insurance from the economic fallout of COVID-19, states may continue to see an increase in Medicaid enrollment.
This commentary provides an overview of CMS relief guidance and flexibility to state hospitals, facilities, and providers on reporting measures for value-based purchasing and quality reporting programs.
This commentary provides a survey of actions that state and local governments have taken to intentionally incorporate equity into their COVID-19 recovery and reopening policies.
This report uses new enrollment data to examine insurer type enrollment trends from 2016-2018.
This commentary gauges the potential effects on coverage and cost if public options become available in the country's health insurance exchanges, based on observations from a RAND COMPARE microsimulation model.
This commentary provides state and local leaders with health equity principles that can serve as a compass to point leaders toward an equitable and lasting COVID-19 recovery.
This commentary assesses how the COVID-19 pandemic may accelerate a shift away from fee-for-service payments models in health care.
This report documents access and affordability challenges facing uninsured new mothers using 2015–18 data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). It also uses 2015–17 data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS) to describe the health status of women who lost Medicaid coverage following their pregnancies.
This report shows how the additional levels of unemployment insurance provided through the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program affects eligibility for subsidized coverage in expansion and nonexpansion states.