This report examines ACA marketplace participation by insurers that participated in Medicaid but not in private insurance markets prior to the ACA.
The webinar highlights six key questions that state policymakers need to consider when choosing a buy-in model, designing its features, and introducing a Medicaid buy-in program.
State policymakers have more flexibility than ever to advance health-promoting policies and programs, and showcase effective strategies from which other states—and the nation as a whole—might learn. RWJF helps inform these efforts through research and analysis, technical assistance and training, and advocacy.
The issue brief identifies the key questions for states pursuing Medicaid buy-in programs to consider as they seek to design and implement their proposals.
This infographic shows 10 states’ guidelines for involving community members in the community health needs assessment process, as well as their enforcement levers.
States can work to make sure hospitals truly seek out and act on meaningful input from a wide range of community representatives — not just community members on a hospital’s board or leaders from high-profile community groups.
In this report, ReSource Team members were interviewed on their methods for addressing the needs of extremely medically complex and socially vulnerable individuals.
This issue brief explores the “next generation” practices that states are deploying to address social factors using Medicaid 1115 waivers and managed care contracts.
This study analyzes three programs that use non-traditional workforce strategies to extend the reach of their clinics to better engage complex patients in their homes, at medical appointments, and other locations.
In this interview, Carole Johnson, Commissioner of New Jersey’s Department of Human Services discusses how she is advancing the state's strategies to combat the opioid epidemic.
This report explores the effects of Kentucky’s reinstatement of work-related time limits on the SNAP participation of able-bodied adults without dependents between January 2017 and September 2018.
Several states are developing accountable health models to improve health and control costs by addressing health-related community needs, such as transportation, recreation, and housing. This brief examines their organizational and governance structures.
Six case studies examine lessons from PHNCI Innovation Learning Community grantees, who spent eighteen months implementing public health innovations in their communities.
This analysis examines some of the consequences should a case pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit be decided in favor of the plaintiffs, who argue that the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) be eliminated.
This brief found that ACA markets have become more competitive between 2018 and 2019, but have not regained the level of competition they had in 2017.
This issue brief looks at progress made in using multi-payer claims databases for various strategic purposes, and offers considerations for states seeking to optimize claims databases to improve health care system performance improvement.
This article estimates the costs of implementing state-based reinsurance programs in four large states whose size provides a useful cost-projection base for other state policymakers considering reinsurance programs.
This webinar explored how several states are using their multi-payer claims databases, including how they are employing claims databases to enhance the value of care and lessons learned for others.