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March 2018

Showing 10 of 1758 Items
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Journal Article

This paper examines a 2008 survey of adults enrolled in Minnesota's public health care programs to study the effect of barriers to health care access and the magnitude of those barriers on health care utilization. The authors found that multiple types of barriers are associated with delayed and foregone care, with system-level barriers and discrimination having the greatest effect on health care seeking behavior.


This analysis examines educational attainment and access to health care, looking at the extent to which adults (25 years and older) with different levels of education skipped needed care due to cost and did not have a personal doctor.


03.2018 / By Urban Institute

Although congressional efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) did not succeed in 2017, the law continues to face an uncertain future. This brief examines insurers’ participation and pricing decisions for the 2018 and 2019 plan years through structured interviews with 10 insurance companies participating in the individual market in 28 states and the District of Columbia.


03.2018 / By Urban Institute

On February 20, 2018, the Departments of Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services released a proposed regulation that would increase the maximum length of short-term, limited-duration insurance policies to one year. The brief analyzes the national and state-specific effects of ending the individual mandate and loosening limits on short-term, limited-duration policies.


Six case studies on innovations in public health, including: Boston's PHC Bridges Sectors to Combat Overdoses; Chicago's DPH Sees the Future Thanks to Predictive Analytics; Hennepin County Uses Automation in Databook Development; Douglas' CHD Brings STD Testing to Youth-Friendly Locations; Portsmouth's HD Uses CASPER to Collect Neighborhood Data; and Check Out a Book, Check Out a Blood Pressure Kit.


03.2018 / By Urban Institute

In January 2018, CMS approved Kentucky’s Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver, which allows the state to require some beneficiaries to participate in “community engagement” activities for at least 80 hours a month to retain their Medicaid coverage. This brief revises an earlier analysis on who could be affected by Kentucky’s Medicaid work requirements based on new information posted on Kentucky’s website.


This issue brief summarizes key features of the February 9, 2018 10-year CHIP extension. CHIP covers nearly 9 million children and is a key contributor to record-low levels of uninsurance among children.

Dataset , Report

The County Health Rankings is an annual county-by-county assessment that shows where we live matters to health. This year, we bring new analyses that show meaningful health gaps persist not only by place, but also among racial and ethnic groups. These gaps are largely the result of differences in opportunities in the places where we live. And, these differences disproportionately affect people of color.


The nation’s opioid epidemic claimed more than 42,000 lives in 2016, and more than 2 million people in the United States have an opioid use disorder (OUD). Yet, only 1 in 5 people suffering from an OUD receive treatment. In this issue brief, data from three states—New Hampshire, Ohio and West Virginia—highlight Medicaid’s role as the linchpin in states’ efforts to combat the opioid epidemic.


Many states continue to encounter challenges in stabilizing their individual health insurance markets, including large premium increases and declining insurer participation. One solution is a state-based reinsurance program similar to the federal program that reduced premiums by more than 10 percent per year from 2014 to 2016. The brief provides a roadmap of policy, program design, and financing considerations for states that are contemplating development of a state-based reinsurance program under 1332 waiver authority.


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