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January 2017

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This report identifies solutions that could be developed, and implemented at the local or community level to advance health equity.


CHIP can provide critical financial support to states as they seek to implement cost-effective lead abatement activities to protect children. This issue brief describes the CHIP State Plan option, which does not require a waiver, and the opportunity it provides for states to make significant tangible reductions in lead exposure and improvements to children’s health. The brief includes specific examples in case studies from Michigan and Maryland.


When it comes to prevention, identification, and mitigation of public health crises, states are at the forefront. These crises require a multi-sector state agency approach as often they disproportionally impact disadvantaged communities and are linked with challenging social determinants of health.

Webinar & Presentations

The “Buying Value Measure Selection Tool” was developed to assist state agencies, private purchasers and other stakeholders in creating aligned measure sets, and was first released in 2014. This webinar explains this tool and recent updates for state officials and other stakeholders involved in developing and maintaining aligned quality measure sets for health care entities and programs including for health plans, accountable care organizations, and patient-centered medical homes. This webinar presents strategies for selecting measures and reveals an updated version of the tool. 


Congress began its ACA repeal effort and evolving replacement options are receiving considerable attention. NASHP is tracking issues that appear in multiple proposals and will provide state perspectives, including: How might they impact states? What might they cost? Have they been tried before in states and what did we learn from past initiatives?


Health care leaders are well-positioned to use cross-sector approaches to drive improvements in population health in collaboration with state leaders. Through the use of joint measurement and accountability tools, policymakers can help to improve health outcomes to an extent not possible through isolated, medical-centric efforts. This report outlines how state agencies can use shared measurement and joint accountability across sectors as tools for improving population health outcomes. 


This chart provides an overview of ACA provisions and snapshot of the implications for states if the ACA is repealed. States are the primary regulator of insurance and as such had laws in place prior to the enactment of ACA. Some states repealed those laws and replaced them with ACA provisions, while other states revised their laws but left other old, preempted laws on the books. 


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